Archive | February, 2013

Donate to our advocacy calendar project and claim one of our perks!

18 Feb

For every calendar sold a heart hears and a mind is changed. Join us in the fight against Nigeria’s ‘JAIL THE GAYS’ bill.

You can also get a copy of the calendar through our perks offers! When you donate –

£10- You get an electronic copy of your choice picture in the calendar sent to your email address.

£25- You get a choice of either a copy of a Wall Calendar or a Desktop Calendar sent to your preferred address.

£40- You get a copy of wall calendar AND a copy of Desktop calendar sent to your preferred address.

£50- You get a Wall Calendar AND a Desktop Calendar sent to your preferred address AND an electronic calendar pic of your choice sent to your email address.

PLUS, you get to give a gift of love and change hearts! Thanks!

To donate,  please visit-

Kindly Support Nigerian LGBTIs in Diaspora’s Advocacy Calendar Project on Indiegogo.

9 Feb

Nigerian LGBTI In Diaspora Against Anti-Same Laws. Protest Londo 002

Campaign Project link on Indiegogo-

The Background

Nigeria’s Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition bill criminalizing same sex marriage and stipulating 14 years imprisonment for anyone who engages in same-sex relationships was unanimously passed by Senators. It has passed through the second reading in the Nigerian House of Representatives. The House Speaker has referred the bill to the Committee of the Whole House for final consideration. The homophobic bill is being packaged as a gift to Nigerians.

Our Advocacy Calendar Project

Nigerian LGBTIs in Diaspora Against Anti Same sex laws has packaged a gift of love to our lawmakers to counter their homophobic gift of hate. We have an advocacy Wall Calendar and Desktop Calendar gift for Nigerian lawmakers.  We want you to help us donate this gift of equality and love to Nigerian President, all the 469 members of Nigerian National Assembly, the 36 State Governors and as many Nigerian ambassadors as possible.

Nigerian lawmakers are fond of saying there are no gay Nigerians and they won’t hesitate to send same sex lovers to jail. With this project, we have put a face on Nigerian LGBTs and also given a voice to Nigerian LGBTs to pass across our message. We are saying… Enough is Enough, No to ‘Jail the Gays’ bill. We exist, we are Nigerians, we are gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals, intersex, queers and we are proud. Stop the discrimination, stop trying to send us to jail for our sexual orientation.

The wall calendars and desk top calendars show pictures of our protest rallies outside Nigerian embassies in London and New York. The calendar also has a special message for each month, creating awareness on the negative effect of the ‘Jail the Gays’ bill and bringing attention to how it violates Nigerian constitution and the many international treaties Nigeria has ratified.

Our Target

Our target is to print 600 wall calendars and 400 desk top calendars. a total of 1,000 calendars. With your invaluable support, we can reach our target and even exceed it. Help us donate a gift of love, packed full with important advocacy message, today.

We will publicly present the calendars to our lawmakers in Nigeria at an organized sensitization event with good media coverage. We shall also hold press conferences in Nigeria to entertain questions and give out copies of the calendars to lucky Nigerians including members of the media.

The Impact

This is the third time a Bill prohibiting same sex marriage is introduced by the Nigerian parliament. The proposed law is titled ”Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Bill, 2011”,  however, it goes well beyond the title to criminalize every Nigerian person(s), individual and group who may be suspected of any trace, exhibition, association and/or characteristic of same sex relationship, friendship, association or gesture.

LGBT rights are Human Rights. Fundamental Human Rights of sexual minorities are violated daily because of criminalization of same sex relationship and societal prejudice. The homophobic bill violates fundamental human rights that are guaranteed under the Nigerian constitution and various human rights regional and international laws and agreements that Nigeria has ratified.

Also, the bill would lead to political and social harassment of people for their actual or imputed sexual orientation. It would also stifle freedom of expression and association through the proposed ban on organizations that support Lesbians and gay rights.

Every Nigerian deserves the same right as every other Nigerian, irrespective of class, sex, race, gender identity or sexual orientation. Consensual adults do not deserve to have their love criminalized.

Other Ways You Can Help.

We need financial support and goodwill to print the calendars and publicly distribute this gift in Nigeria.

You can also help by sharing our message with your friends and LGBT allies. Make some noise about our Advocacy Calendar project; blog about it, share on facebook, twitter and other social networks.

You can also use the Indiegogo share tools to share our project with the world! Thank you.



Proudly Feminist, Proudly Bisexual, Proudly Atheist.


Atheism with a conscience

Nigerian LGBTI in Diaspora Against Anti Same Sex Laws

Nigerian Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual and Inter sex( LGBTI) in Diaspora Against Anti Same sex Law is an independent campaign group to protest the Anti Same Sex Marriage bill presently before the Nigerian lawmakers and to demand for the repeal of all existing Anti same sex laws in Nigeria. We believe in equal love and equal rights for all. Decriminalise all homophobic laws because LGBTI Rights are Human Rights.